What does healthy mean?
The WHO defines it as, “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being.” So often we think of healthy food as perhaps being good for my body but definitely not satisfying to my overall state of well-being and happiness.
At the Water Shed, we believe that a truly healthy plate of food is good and beneficial full stop. Good for the local and global economy. Good for the farmers that work to provide us with the earth’s bounty. Good and respectful of the earth and the animals that feed us. Good for our bodies, in that it nourishes us and good for whole person in that it delights our senses and increases our capacity for life.
Big ask?
Maybe, but we believe that when you use real food that has been lovingly and responsibly produced and combine and present it in a creative and playful way, the end result is a healthful plate of food. It’s a plate of food that doesn’t just fuel us for life, it actually opens us up to receive, celebrate and engage new life. And that matters. What and how we chose to eat matters. It matters to our bodies. It matters to our whole person. It matters to the world we inhabit.
So here are a couple of questions to ask yourself that will help YOU change the world one bite at a time:
- Am I actually hungry or do I just need a glass of water or am I bored?
- Do I actually want the food that is on my plate? Am I excited to eat it?
- Do I know where at least 50% of this plate of food was sourced from?
- Can I pronounce and identify the ingredients that make up my plate of food?
- Have I paused and said thank you to the earth, plants and animals who have sacrificed their lives in order for me to live and experience life? Gratitude goes a long way!
The post What the health? appeared first on The Water Shed Arts Cafe.